South Africa introduces new laws for remote worker and critical skill visas

The Department of Home Affairs in South Africa has published draft amendments to immigration regulations for two visa categories: remote working and critical skills.

South Africa introduces new laws for remote worker and critical skill visas

This move follows lobbying efforts by the Western Cape Government for a "digital nomad" visa and visa reforms to attract skilled workers.

Remote working visa:

  • Valid for up to 12 months.
  • Foreign workers must earn income from outside South Africa and pay taxes in their home country.
  • They must also register with the South African Revenue Service (SARS) if their stay exceeds 6 months.

Critical skills visa:

  • Based on a points system determined by the Minister.
  • Valid for up to 12 months.
  • Applicants must provide proof of qualifications that meet the critical skills requirements.

Potential impacts:

  • These new visa categories could make it easier for South Africa to attract skilled workers and remote workers, boosting the economy.
  • The points-based system for critical skills visas could create a more transparent and objective selection process.
  • Requiring remote workers to register with SARS could increase tax revenue.


  • The specific details of the points system for critical skills visas are still unknown.
  • The long-term impact of these new visa categories on the South African economy and labor market remains to be seen.


  • This is still a draft and open for public comment.
  • There are ongoing discussions about potential changes to the critical skills list.
  • For more information and the latest updates, you can refer to the Department of Home Affairs website or consult with an immigration lawyer.

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